What are the Best Contact Lenses for Reading? - Blue Planet Optics
What are the Best Contact Lenses for Reading?
As we get older, particularly after 40, many of us experience difficulty reading small print or focusing on close-up objects. This condition, known as presbyopia, occurs naturally as people age. If you're wondering about contact lenses for reading, you're not alone.
Contact lenses offer a convenient alternative to reading glasses because they are more flexible and easy to use.
While non-prescription reading contacts don't exist, excellent prescription options are available.
Can you wear contact lenses if you only use glasses for reading?
Yes, wearing contact lenses is possible even if you only need vision correction for reading.
A lot of people would rather use contacts for reading only over reading glasses for convenience and aesthetic reasons. These lenses, designed specifically for near tasks, can eliminate the hassle of switching between glasses and help maintain a natural appearance.
There are several types of contact lenses, specifically for people with presbyopia, including multifocal contact lenses, bifocal contact lenses, and monovision contacts.
Multifocal lenses
The term can refer to any lenses with multiple powers including bifocals, trifocals, or progressive lenses. Non-bifocal multifocal lenses have a range of powers that enable you to constantly adjust your focus to see clearly from up close to far and in between.
Bifocal lenses
They are divided into two distinct segments for different vision powers, the first for distance vision and the second for near vision. This enables you to switch your focus from near to far as needed, but your vision will only sometimes be clear in between.
Monovision lenses
Monovision is a contact lens option for presbyopia, especially if you're having trouble with multifocal lenses. It involves assigning your dominant eye for distance vision and your non-dominant eye for near vision.
Typically, single-vision lenses are used in each eye. However, sometimes the dominant eye uses a single-vision lens while the other eye uses a multifocal lens for intermediate and near vision, known as modified monovision. Your eye care professional will determine the best lens type for each eye to achieve optimal vision.
Contacts for Reading and Distance
Multifocal contact lenses are an excellent choice for people who need vision correction for reading and distance. These lenses have multiple prescription strengths in each lens, allowing you to see clearly at near, intermediate, and far distances.
There are two main types of multifocal contact lenses: concentric bifocal design and progressive design. Both types can serve as effective contacts for reading only if that's your primary concern, but they also offer the flexibility to see clearly at other distances.
This setup can be a nice solution for presbyopia, a common age-related condition affecting close-up vision.
Non-prescription reading contacts are a convenient alternative for those without vision correction needs but who wish to avoid reading glasses. These lenses enhance focus for close-up tasks without requiring a prescription.
Best Contact Lenses for Reading
While individual needs may vary, multifocal contact lenses are considered the best for reading and those needing near and distance correction.
They offer several advantages, such as a seamless transition between near and far vision, eliminating the need for reading glasses.
Some known brands of contact lenses are CooperVision Biofinity multifocal, Bausch + Lomb ULTRA, for Presbyopia, and Acuvue Oasys for Presbyopia. These choices offer vision for reading and other activities making them versatile options for individuals looking for contacts for reading or all-day use. Their unique designs help maintain moisture levels ensuring that your eyes stay comfortable throughout the day.
Another great choice is Dailies Total1 Multifocal, recognized for its high moisture content and breathability. These daily disposable lenses offer a fresh and clean experience every day reducing the chances of irritation and infection.
Multifocal lenses come in several designs, such as circles with different prescriptions or a gradual power change from the center to the edge of the lens. With this design, your eyes naturally adjust to focus on tasks like reading or driving.
Choose Blue Planet Optics for Your Reading Contacts
While non-prescription reading contacts are not an option, there are several prescription choices available for contact lenses designed specifically for reading purposes. Whether you require contacts for reading or need vision correction across distances, your doctor can assist you in finding the most suitable solution based on your requirements.
Imagine enjoying your book without squinting or browsing through a menu without struggling to find your reading glasses. That’s the kind of convenience that reading contact lenses can provide you with.
If you're thinking about trying out contact lenses for reading, choose Blue Planet Optics for prices that can't be beaten. Order now and save!