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SofLens Multifocal - (Bi-weekly, 6 pack)

SofLens Multifocal - (Bi-weekly, 6 pack)

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Regular price $75.00
Regular price Sale price $75.00
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Product Details:

  • Product Name: SofLens Multifocal
  • Manufacturer: Bausch & Lomb
  • Brand: Soflens
  • Replacement Schedule: Bi-weekly
  • Quantity: 6 lenses (3 month supply)
  • Material: 61.4% polymer (polymacon)
  • Water Content: 38.6%
  • UV Blocker: No

Here's what makes SofLens Multifocal a great choice:

Effortless Focus at All Distances: The innovative Natra-Sight™ Optics provide seamless transitions between near, far, and intermediate vision. Say goodbye to switching between glasses and contact lenses! 

Exceptional Comfort Throughout the Day: The patented edge design of SofLens Multifocal lenses ensures a comfortable fit and feel, lasting all day long.

Patient-Preferred Clarity: Clinical studies have shown that patients overwhelmingly prefer SofLens Multifocal lenses over a leading bifocal contact lens for overall visual quality. Experience the difference for yourself!

Flexible Wear Options: SofLens Multifocal lenses can be prescribed for frequent replacement or disposable wear, depending on your needs and eye doctor's recommendation. 

Additional Information:

A valid prescription is required to purchase contact lenses. Please consult your eye doctor to determine if SofLens Multifocal is right for you.

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